Kyle Rod Galindez

User Kyle Rod Galindez

User Graduate Student

Graduate Studies Division

Graduate Student


Rachel Carson College Academic Building

Rachel Carson College Faculty Services

BA, Sociology - University of Cincinnati (2011)

MA, Sociology - University of Cincinnati (2014)

Certificate in Disciplinary Communication for Sociology (Fall 2018)

Co-Assistant Editor: ASA Community and Urban Sociology Newsletter (Fall 2018 - present)

Graduate Student Representative: ASA Community and Urban Sociology (2019-2020)

Urbanization; Nature; Imperialism and empire; Ideology, Imaginaries, Fantasy; Historical Sociology; Qualitative Methods 

Courses taught:

SOCY  1 Introduction to Sociology (UC Santa Cruz; Summer II 2019; Summer 2020; Summer 2022)

SOCY 177E Eco-Metropolis (UC Santa Cruz; Spring 2020) 

SOCY 15 World Society (UC Santa Cruz; Summer I 2017; Sumer II 2018)

SOC 1001 Introduction to Sociology (University of Cincinnati; Fall 2014) 
SOC 153 Sociology in a Global Context (Miami University - Middletown; Fall 2014; Spring 2015)
SOC 3007 Environmental Sociology (University of Cincinnati; Spring 2014; Spring 2015) 


Teaching Assistant:

SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology (UC Santa Cruz; Fall 2022)

SOCY 105B Contemporary Sociological Theory (Summer 2021; Winter 2022)

SOCY 196A Sociology Capstone (UC Santa Cruz; Spring 2019)

SOCY 105A Classical Sociological Theory (Fall 2018; Winter 2019; Fall 2020; Winter 2021; Fall 2021)

SOCY 15 World Society (UC Santa Cruz; Fall 2017)

SOCY 177E Eco-Metropolis (UC Santa Cruz; Winter 2017)

SOC 1001 Introduction to Sociology (University of Cincinnati; Fall 2012; Fall 2013) 

SOC 3041 Sociology of Education (University of Cincinnati; Spring 2013)



SOCY 150 Death and Dying (Summer 2022) 

SOCY 136 Social Psychology (Summer 2021)

SOCY 177 Urban Sociology (Winter 2020)

SOCY 3A Evaluation of Evidence (UC Santa Cruz; Summer I 2019) 

SOCY 111 Family and Society (UC Santa Cruz; Spring 2019)

SOCY 176A Work and Society (UC Santa Cruz; Spring 2017)

SOCY 178Z Sociology of Disability (UC Santa Cruz; Summer 2016)
SOCY 126 Sociology of Sexualty (UC Santa Cruz; Fall 2015; Summer 2016) 
SOCY 119 Sociology of Knowledge (UC Santa Cruz; Winter 2016)

Guest Lecturer:

Marx, Dubois and Race (SOCY 105A Classical Social Theory, Fall 2018)
Marx, Dubois and Race (SOCY 105A Classical Social Theory, Winter 2019)


Chancellor’s Quarter Dissertation Writing Fellowship (UC Santa Cruz 2021) 

Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program - $5000 research grant (UC Santa Cruz, 2017)

Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship (UC Santa Cruz, 2015 - 2021)

Charles Phelps Taft Undergraduate Senior Research Fellow Award - $3000 award (University of Cincinnati, 2011)

Horace J. Wolf Prize for outstanding graduating undergraduate  (University of Cincinnati, 2011)


“Most Likely to Start a Revolution,” sociology graduate student awards (University of Cincinnati; 2014)


“The Urban Political Ecology of Militarism: The Case of the Military Build-Up of Guåhan/Guam.” Virtual poster board video. The World-Ecology Research Network’s virtual conference, Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism in the Web of Life. October 21, 2021.

"Planetary Urbanization, Nature, and the Geographies of Militarism on Guam" at the 5th annual conference of the World-Ecology Research Network, "Planetary Utopias, Capitalist Dystopias: Justice, Nature and the Liberation of Life." San Francisco, CA. June 1, 2019. 

 "Urbanization and Militarism on Guam: A Lefebvrian Perspective." Panelist. "Beyond the Limits of the City: Theory and Method in Urban Borderlands." American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 5, 2019. 

 "Urbanization and Nature on a Militarized Island: Guam, 1963 to the Present" at the Global Mertropolitan Studies' Bay Area Comparative Urban Politics Workshop, UC Berkeley. March 22, 2019. 

“The Political Ecology of Military Urbanization on Guam" at the Memorial Conference Celebrating the Life & Work of James Richard O’Connor: 30 Years of Capitalism, Nature, Socialism. UCSC. Santa, Cruz, CA. June, 2018.

“Russian Colonization in Shaping the Origins of the Aral Sea Tragedy, 1860-1917” at the 6th Annual UCLA History Graduate Students Association Conference, “Contexts of Crisis: Danger, Opportunity, and the Unknown.” UCLA. Los Angeles, CA. April, 2017

"Keep Calm and Go (Communist?) Camping: Practicing Alternatives to Capitalism" at the UC Santa Cruz Brain, Mind and Consciousness Society annual conference; Santa Cruz, CA, April, 2016 

"Defend Mother Earth! ...and Sign My Petition? Metaphors, Tactics, and Environmental Movements" at the North Central Sociological Annual Meeting; Cincinnati, OH, 2014 

“Planetary Urbanization and Imperialism: A View from Guåhan/Guam” in the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR). Published January 19, 2023. Volume 47, Issue 1, pages 5-21. 10.1111/1468-2427.13157. 

Book Review of Parks for Profit: Selling Nature in the City (Columbia University Press, 2022) (forthcoming) in the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

Book Review of Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong kong: Law and Order from Historical and Cultural Perspectives (Routledge, 2017) edited by Michael H.K. Ng and John D Wong in Asian Journal of Law and Society


Last modified: Apr 09, 2024