Category: Articles

  • Green and Gray: New Ideologies of Nature in Urban Sustainability Policy

    Green and Gray: New Ideologies of Nature in Urban Sustainability Policy

    Read the journal article here. In the past two decades, urban sustainability has become a new policy common sense. This article argues that contemporary urban sustainability thought and practice is coconstituted by two distinct representational forms, which we call green urban nature and gray urban nature. Green urban nature is the return of nature to…

  • The Breathers of Bayview Hill: Redevelopment and Environmental Justice in Southeast San Francisco

    The Breathers of Bayview Hill: Redevelopment and Environmental Justice in Southeast San Francisco

    Read the full article here. The “Toxic Tour” described in this article takes readers through the contentious redevelopment of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco. The shipyard, closed in 1974, has been a focal point for environmental and health concerns due to its history of industrial warship-building and radioactive waste. Lennar Inc. aims…

  • Expand the frontiers of urban sustainability

    Expand the frontiers of urban sustainability

    Read the journal article here. Social equity and global impacts are missing from measures of cities’ environmental friendliness, write David Wachsmuth, Daniel Aldana Cohen and Hillary Angelo in this Nature article.

  • From the city lens toward urbanisation as a way of seeing: Country/city binaries on an urbanising planet

    From the city lens toward urbanisation as a way of seeing: Country/city binaries on an urbanising planet

    Read the journal article here. In recent years, three superficially distinct urban subfields have made parallel efforts to incorporate the city’s traditional ‘outsides’ into urban research. Urban political ecology, American urban sociology and postcolonial urban studies have made, respectively, ‘nature’, the ‘rural’ and the ‘not-yet’ city the objects of self-consciously urban analyses. I argue that…

  • Race, Waste, and Space: Brownfield Redevelopment and Environmental Justice at the Hunters Point Shipyard

    Race, Waste, and Space: Brownfield Redevelopment and Environmental Justice at the Hunters Point Shipyard

    Read the article here. This paper advances the concept of “waste formations” as a way of thinking together processes of race, space, and waste in brownfield redevelopment projects. Defined as formerly industrial and contaminated properties, in the 1990s brownfields emerged as the grounds for new forms of urbanization and an emerging environmental remediation industry. Through…

  • Urbanizing Urban Political Ecology: A Critique of Methodological Cityism

    Urbanizing Urban Political Ecology: A Critique of Methodological Cityism

    Read the journal article here. Urban political ecology (UPE), an offshoot of political ecology that emerged in the late 1990s, has had two major impacts on critical urban studies: it has introduced critical political ecology to urban settings, and it has provided a framework for retheorizing the city as a product of metabolic processes of…

  • What on Earth Is Sustainable?

    What on Earth Is Sustainable?

    Read the article here. This article analyzes prevalent forms of sustainability discourse in California and around the world: eco-oriented sustainabilities, vernacular sustainabilities, justice-oriented sustainabilities, and market-oriented sustainabilities. It sketches the history of these discourses, argues that the meaning of sustainability depends on whose sustainability is being discussed, and lays out a framework for critical sustainability…

Last modified: Dec 05, 2023